The Clean Cook Testimonials
We're happy to share the feedback we receive with you...

I was recommended to get in touch with Michelle to help me with a strict cleanser I wanted to do for health and fertility.
Michelle was very helpful adapting and suggesting the right foods for my personal plan. She spoke to me for more than an hour and gave me great advice for foods to have alongside what I brought from her.
The delivery service is fantastic and convenient. I particularly enjoy the ginger muffins and date and walnut loaf so much I have personal batches made for me and I also received a clean birthday cake ordered by a friend which was a lovely treat. And have had a batch of eggy muffins made so I could host a hen do.
After the first week of eating clean with Michelle I felt a lot healthier, less sluggish. My health problems have gone and I am healthy 7 months pregnant. I didn't use the plan for weight loss that was an added bonus and I look forward to using it to shed the baby weight.
My fav food is chicken pie without the pie ;)
Thanks Michelle

Most people who know me you all know I am a terrible terrible cook so when Michelle said to me on a run one fine day she wanted to set up a clean eating business... I literally said I'll be your 1st customer and you can trial it on me.
Well I have to say this girl can cook and I highly, highly recommend this, the food is so yummy!
I've had everything from cottage pie to ribs and sweet potato fries, homemade salsa, hummus and not to mention the clean treats (don't get me started on the raspberry white chocolate bark or lemon slice)
If like me you either can't cook, get bored of the same old thing, or just don't have enough time to prepare you should definitely give it a go and let the clean cook take care of it for you!
It's so simple!

Earlier this year I realised I really needed to overhaul my eating habits. I didn't need too loose weight, but I did need to shift my mindset about what I was eating and curb my sweet tooth.
I called on the Clean Cook to help me and so came up with a 4 week eating plan, which consisted of 3 meals a day. I didn't have to worry about meal planning as Michelle did it all for me, and the only extras I needed were vegetables and almond milk.
I felt much more energised quite soon into the program and although not planned I had the added bonus of loosing a couple of pounds in weight.
Thanks to Michelle my body now recognises what good "clean" food really is!!

We have used Michelle The Clean Cook now for nearly a year, and cannot recommend it enough!
We were stuck in a rut clean eating wise and turned to The Clean cook, as the menu looked fantastic, and the service so easy and convenient to use! Lesley enjoyed Michelle's clean meals through her pregnancy and found it really helped to keep her feeling great throughout!
And our clean cook baby Rosie clearly enjoyed it too!
We cannot recommend The Clean Cook highly enough!

With 4 children under 6 and both working full time we often found ourselves feeling too tired to cook and resorting to supermarket pre-prepared dishes.
Having always been health and fitness aware we have been delighted to discover the Clean Cook and her creations!
Our package includes breakfast, lunch and dinner and these tend to make up 50% of our diet each week - on the other days we like to try out our own recipes.
Having healthy, delicious Clean Cook dishes ready in the freezer is a godsend for a busy couple like us. We love eating well and the Clean Cook has allowed us to do this whilst saving us time and keeping us healthy. We love the tasty, varied cuisine.
The portion sizes are generous, good value for money and to top it off we have both lost a few pounds too! We would definitely recommend The Clean Cook to fellow food lovers who want to lead a healthy life whilst saving a bit of time in the kitchen.
Emma & Tim

Working full time, running a house, looking after a family, as well as whatever other responsibilities we have. It’s very, VERY easy to let quality nutrition fall onto the back burner.
I’m a pretty busy guy myself - running 2 businesses, training for triathlon, and above all else, being a dad and husband - so for me, as I’m sure it is for most people, time is pretty valuable.
So using Michelle to help me out with my food is a no brainer for me when I’m really busy. Quality, home cooked, healthy food, with no added nasty’s, and the best bit – I never have to do a thing, leaving more time to do the fun stuff . . . like play cars with my little boy.
If you’re on this site, and on the fence as to whether or not to drop Michelle a line – do it. It’ll save you more time than it costs you in money.
Andy Sloan

This year I set myself the target of completing Ironman Dublin 70.3 having previously only completed a handful of sprint distance triathlons. With 9 training sessions a week, a part-time job and a 3 year old I was feeling the pressure. Although I have a fairly good grasp of healthy eating I lacked the organisational skills to prepare ahead and found myself eating a diet high in sugar and lacking nutritional value and was starting to struggle with my training.
Signing up to Michelle's programme was a godsend!
I opted for 5 days of lunches, snacks and dinners each week and couldn't have been happier with what she provided. Not only were the meals convenient, great value and nutritious, they were totally delicious!!!
Losing 7lbs was an added bonus (normally when I train I end up putting weight on because I just eat all the time - and not the good stuff!) but the greatest value came from just freeing up the headspace and time I would normally spend on thinking about and preparing my meals so when I wasn't out training I could enjoy spending time with my family.
I highly recommend Michelle and her food, now one year on I can say I am an 'Outlaw' and have completed the 140.6 Miles of hell to say that, not to mention the hours of training that went with it. And yet again The Clean Cook's food helped me through.

I cannot recommend the ‘The Clean Cook’ highly enough.
I make a big effort to eat clean and reap the benefits in training. Sometimes, however, there are just not enough hours in the day and this is where The Clean Cook is invaluable.
Friday night is takeaway night in our house with a yummy Clean Cook curry and when I haven’t planned lunches the soups are perfect – I just keep them in the freezer and take one to work to reheat for lunch – perfect. Oh and when a little treat is needed there is a mouth-watering selection to pick from.
Words cannot express how good they are! I just work out what I need for the week, give her a call and collect the goodies.
Michelle is so accommodating, knowledgeable and helpful – all I can say is try the food and you will not regret it. She is the ‘Queen of Clean’.

I first approached Michelle to help when I was training for my first half iron distance triathlon. I had been struggling with the training & not really improving or getting any stronger. It was totally disproportionate with the amount of time I was putting in.
After an initial introduction & conversation about allergies & intolerances we agreed to the full package (3 meals a day, 7 days a week). Within 2 weeks of starting on no gluten, lactose or sugar the results were startling. I had energy, I was sleeping better & I started losing weight. My training started to improve & I started to feel stronger. I had already given up alcohol the month before.
To put some sort of context here you need to understand that I had never trained for anything before, having never been particularly sporty. I got to 50 and had a mid-life crisis. I was suffering dreadfully with the hormonal changes that menopause brings and needed to make some positive changes in my life. My gut feeling was that my problems with my general wellbeing & my frustrations with the training were all nutrition related, but I felt over-whelmed with where to start. I’d had bits and pieces of advice, but bringing it all together & making nutrition a life-style choice is difficult. With Michelle’s help I have been given the kick-start & support I needed.
I completed the biggest physical challenge of my life in September 2015 & reflecting back I can hand on heart say that changing my nutrition was the pivotal point that changed the whole experience for me. Michelle’s positive attitude & support, coupled with the fabulous delicious food were an essential part of my success. I was never out to break any records, all I wanted to do was to complete the event. I enjoyed the whole day & for me that was what it was all about. I think it’s fair to say I am fitter and leaner than I have been for a very, very long time.
Moving forwards I am continuing with Michelle’s support with breakfasts and lunches on work days. Michelle has given me the confidence & help in producing good clean dinners for us, but work days it is easy to slip back into bad habits. I’m still training a bit, but it’s the new body I want to keep. If you are in any doubt about the benefits I would say, do it – give it a go. At the worst it will cost you a month’s shopping bill for the month. At best you will eat delicious food & have the proactive support of Michelle helping you make those nutrition changes to make you feel healthier, stronger & leaner.